Interview en Anglais de la délégation Suédoise au PEJ — Lycée Saint-Sauveur Redon

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Lycée Saint-Sauveur Redon
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Interview en Anglais de la délégation Suédoise au PEJ

La commission communication des Organisateurs du PEJ (Parlement Européen des Jeunes) s'est livrée à un petit exercice journalistique en interrogeant le groupe de Suédoises invité pour l'occasion. Profitez-en pour tester votre niveau d'Anglais.

La commission "COM" des Orgas.


Swedish students at Saint Sauveur

This year, as every year, students who are part of the European section took part in an EYP session in Saint Sauveur. What was new was the presence of a small delegation of Swedish students. Here is a short interview about their experience :


"What did you think about our school, St Sauveur ?"

“It’s very beautiful, and also very different from our school because we have a very modern school, and here it’s very old. The relation between teachers and students is different as well: in Sweden, we have a friendly relationship, we call teachers by their first name, we don’t call them “Miss” or “Sir”. Also, the front door is not locked, we can go when we want to.”


"Then, what did you think about the EYP session?"

“We thought that it would be in English, so it was a little bit difficult to understand because we don’t speak French at all. But it was fun to watch.”


"To finish, what message do you want to send to French people, or people who live in Brittany or Europe, because maybe you have a different vision of Europe from us?"

“We like the country and it looks almost like Sweden, it’s very similar. It’s just the language that is very different. We like France, it’s our first time here and we will definitely come back here again. Also, we are very thankful that we could come here, it was very nice. It’s a beautiful country, a beautiful school, a beautiful town and especially beautiful people. Everyone was very nice with us. We really appreciated this trip.”
